iLike and Leaving the UK

iLike and Leaving the UK

Firstly, a few more bits and pieces for you…

I am such a geek… This will irritate some of you (not least because of his accent), but what the hell!

Recently I’ve been investigating iLike, it’s like a mix between Pandora and Last FM, and is very pretty, though the music database is a little lacking in places at the moment…

It’s been funny since I got back, because my initial plan was to just get back into work (which I have been, and very busy indeed, with all sorts of interesting work coming my way), get the band going (and we’re recording next week!) and see what happened…

But it’s funny what life throws at you, as in Melbourne I met someone who I got on very well with, so instead will be heading back there soonish to embark on a new adventure instead…

Oh well, who was I kidding that I could just come back to London and get on with life again?

Too much out there to be experienced yet, and I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’ve wanted to leave the UK for ages anyway and have just been looking for the right place and set of circumstances (which sounds really sterile, I guess I just mean when it felt right.)

Which has made the past week a little hectic as I try to organise all the paperwork (and get nowhere with it yet!), figure out when I’m actually going to go and sort everything out around that, keeping my fingers crossed that things will all just sort of come together beautifully as they always seem to when I stop worrying about things. (Apparently I have a guardian angel, but that’s a whole other story!)

Anyway, so at the moment, I’m a little worried, busy, but very happy and excited… Good times!

Chinch out :-)