Security and design thinking

Security and design thinking

Tuesday was a productive day capped by two intriguing events. A stupendously early breakfast session with Granite consulting at their networking breakfasts, with Dan Weis of Kiandra IT covering ‘Security and Real World Threats’ and the UX Melbourne movie night covering ‘Lean UX’ with Jeff Gothelf.

Despite the early start I found the longer discussion format of the morning session a great opportunity to fully explore a topic in far more depth than is usually allowed. With a topic such as computer security it was a great morning wake up call covering topics such as man in the middle, denial of service, hacker tricks and resources and what we should all be doing to prevent becoming victims.

Horse Bazaar was packed when I arrived for the UX movie night, though I’m not sure who was there for the event and who was there for happy hour as there were a few confused faces when the film started. The movie was a recording of one of Jeff’s talks, covering better communication of and demystifying what we all do in our work. There were some great insights, but my main concern with such discussions is always the practical application of concepts in the real world, especially within agency contexts and inflexible clients.