Turning Chip Shop into a Board Game

Turning Chip Shop into a Board Game

I spent some time this week finishing off a lot of the changes from my last round of playtesting, most of these have resulted in changing Chip Shop from a somewhat random card game with a board (for no particular reason) into a more rounded actual board game.

This took a lot of time to balance the best way to represent concepts, undoing a lot of work I had undertaken and also keeping an eye on how this will affect production of the print on demand and boxed version of the game.

{% picture listings images/screen_board.jpg alt=“Testing Screen Ideas” %}

This has resulted in me shrinking the game cards, increasing the size of player boards and consolidating the main board into something usable and with a point.

I’m still finishing updates to the game cards, manual and build processes but will produce a full blog post covering all the changes and new elements soon.