Swift Playgrounds from Apple is a slick integrated coding education tool — how far does go it to teach one of the hottest languages of the past 5 years?
Many distributed ledgers claim to be better for performance and security. Chris Ward speaks with Hashgraph creator, Dr Leemon Baird, to see if the project holds up.
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) conducted another survey late last year and the results are now out. Here's what's popular in cloud native development.
Do you litter your code with "TODO" keywords so you'll remember to come back to them? With this handy GitHub bot, you'll never have to remember again. Maybe.
I appreciate that not everyone who writes documentation is a native English speaker, or even if they are, may not understand the best way to write clearly and concisely. Many native English speakers had our last grammar lesson more than 20 years ago, and have learnt the tips and tricks we now use as professional writers recently. There are three important things to remember to justify the time and effort of making your writing more understandable:
This dapp implements is a Crypto-collectible game built on top of the ERC-721 standard for creating unique tokens.. This tutorial is intended to be followed using the online IDE available at studio.ethereum.org, and selecting the CryptoPizza template.
This dapp implements the simplest form of a cryptocurrency that uses the ERC-20 standard to define a token you can create and send to others. This tutorial is intended to be followed using the online IDE available at studio.ethereum.org, and selecting the Coin template.
This dapp implements a Hello World style application that echoes a message passed to the contract to the front end. This tutorial is intended to be followed using the online IDE available at studio.ethereum.org, and selecting the Hello World template.
I wasn't at Berlin Blockchain week in 2018, so can't directly compare the two events, but this year seemed busy to me, others mentioned they thought it was quieter. However, the venues used for the events were large and sprawling, so it was hard to get a complete picture of how many attendees there were, but the crowd felt enthusiastic to me. Especially considering the sweltering heat for most of the week.